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Originally for viola da Gamba.


Now in Orchestral tuning (C Major)


This lovely sonata is now available in orchestral tuning, a must for all bass players who love their baroque music


There is no certainty as to when Bach wrote his three viola da gamba sonatas.Various musicologists suggest that they were composed as early as 1720, during Bach's Köthen period, at the court of Prince Leopold, where the Court Capelle included the well-known gamba player Christian Ferdinand Abel.[Other evidence suggests that the sonatas were composed in Leipzig around 1740,[where Bach was cantor at the St. Thomas Church, as well as director of the Collegium Musicumfrom 1723 onwards.

J S Bach Sonata for Double bass (BWV 1028)


    36 Mill Lane, Ness CH64 4BQ

    Tel: 07833 916420 

     Ashley Frampton Biography

    After a busy and varied freelance career including three wonderful years with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, Ashley has been Assistant Principal Double Bass in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra for over twenty years. His first bass quartet came after a request from the University of Liverpool for an ensemble piece, Mary Poppins' Basses ensued and he has not looked back since.

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