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The Elephant (from the Carnival of the Animals) For Db & String Quartet
Ghosts for junior string Orchestra
The Elephant (for Bass & String Quartet)
Hertl Concerto for Double bass (Orchestral tuning) PDF
Hertl Concerto for Double bass (Orchestral tuning)
Vilmos Montag Sonata
Hoffmeister Concerto no. 1 in C & D majors Orchestral and Solo tuning
Hertl Sonata for Double bass (Orchestral tuning)
Hertl Sonata for Double Bass (Orchestral ltuning)
Paganini Variations on one string from Rossini's "Moses in Egypt"
Eccles Sonata in G minor Orchestral & Solo tuning
Eccles Sonata in G minor. Orchestral & Solo tuning
Hertl, Four Pieces for Double bass & Piano (Orchestral tuning) PDF
Hertl, Four Pieces for Double bass & Piano (Orchestral tuning)
Sperger Sonata T40 Orchestral tuning
Sperger Sonata T40 (Orchestral Tuning)
Antonio Capuzzi Concerto for Double Bass
Adolf Misek Legende (orchestral tuning)